As the season draws to an end don't forget to complete your entry information during tech for the Discount Tire contingency program. If you're participating in the Lone Star Park TXRSCCA Event this weekend or the final two ER events at the Mineral Ring next weekend and running either Kumho, Hoosier, Falken or Yokohama tires AND you have your Discount Tire and appropriate tire brand stickers on the car you can enter for the end of year tire drawing for the brand you are running. So come out this weekend and next for some end of the year fun and possibly a chance to win some tires. Remember its more fun to be driving than to be watching people drive in circles and having others change their tires.

And of course, if you need to buy tires during the year please consider sending your business the way of Todd Eady at Discount Tire 8700 Ohio Drive, Plano, TX
(972) 377-8242. Todd does a massive amount for our sport and can generally meet or beat local and on-line pricing.

Steve E. (no affiliation with Discount Tire)