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Thread: SCCA #5 7/17/05

  1. #21
    Shallow and Pedantic Majik's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Good Ole Fort Worth


    Quote Originally Posted by POS
    Looks like the SAE cars will be invading this weekends’ Autocross, is it that time of year already!
    Quote Originally Posted by altiain
    Just a quick heads-up for those attending this event...

    This will also be the annual event where UTA hosts Formula SAE cars from a bunch of competing universities. So you might want to bring a set of earplugs.

    And some kitty litter.

    You dont say?

  2. #22


    I'd better hit the sack if I'm gonna be in Bedford at 7 am. Hope to see you all there!

  3. #23


    I would just like to point out that Darron in the novice class today, and on the World's Worst Tires, no less. Congrats! He was turning very respectable lap times and looked smooth as silk.

    I, on the other hand, was way off. I would chalk it up to the track not meshing with the MSM's weird gearing, but in the end, it was me. :monkey:

    Good seeing everyone, finally meeting Mick, etc.


  4. #24


    Thanks for the kind words, Matt.
    Quote Originally Posted by srivendel
    ... the World's Worst Tires.
    For the record, the sidewalls proudly display a 480AB rating. I'm sure worse tires exist but I wouldn't know where to look. This set must have set the dealership back upwards of $150.
    Anyway, I still say crap tires are great for learning on. I've enjoyed exploring the limits at nice safe speeds. These are almost used up and I'm looking forward to trying to autocross on real tires.

  5. #25


    Wonder if fourth heat is over yet! :ncool:

    It was nice to finally meet ya Matt (aka. srivendel) :cool:

  6. #26


    Yeah, we just finished the 4th heat. just kidding. I ended up getting home around 8. Usually around 5 or 6. Didnt like the course at all, and I managed to finish 1 place out of the trophies in street tire (5th place)for the second consecutive time(including er). Had tons of fun anyway. Had a pretty lurid moment with Hal riding shotgun. fun stuff congrats to sammm on the win in tire!
    "Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague longing for something salty" - Peter Egan

  7. #27

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Treibenschnell
    That long eh?

    How many participants were there?
    SAE was in the house, something like 175 entrants. The course was cool, but with it’s loop back layout they could only get two cars on course, which helped create the biggest suck of the day which was we all got just 3 runs .

    This event will not be on my top 10 list for this season.

  9. #29

  10. #30
    Driver OzCop's Avatar
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    I agree, this course sucked for most people... The reason we had to go with three instead of 4 runs? Our 11 time National Champ, Tommy Saunders, who knows better than to design a course like that, built a long, fast course, requiring a 50 plus second overlap before sending the next car. That means anyone sitting at the starting line had to wait 50 or more seconds before they could enter the course. I cautioned Tommy on this Friday, but it obviously fell on deaf ears. There was much discussion about it, including a few safety items, but the concensus was, it would take another hour to re-design the thing, so let it go and monitor it closely....and cut the runs from 4 to 3, something that you all know galls me to no end. In fact, I told a couple of the board members that I would not cut the number of runs unless enough of them over-ruled me on it...They did... Of course, it was really a good decision considering we had twice the overlap we normally have. Hell, our normal courses at Pennington are barely 50 seconds long, so it was like running one car at a time all day. It was an awful course design in my opinion, considering the number of re-runs given, and the fact that even though it was an average of 62 seconds long, it was not challenging in the least, and there was no line experimentation...we all had to drive the same line...
    Tommy is an excellent driver, but IMHO, his course design today was lacking, and brutal to those who endured sitting around in the hot temps all day long waiting to
    "It's never too late to have a happy childhood!"

  11. #31
    Team Cheap Bastard
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    Quote Originally Posted by OzCop
    It was an awful course design in my opinion, considering the number of re-runs given
    I agree 100% with that! One of the biggest problems I saw when working the trailer was how many of the pointy engineer SAE guys couldn't count to 2. They kept taking extra loops around. That would cause a red-flag and a rerun for the guy behind the SAE.
    Mr. (1-car on course at a time) Saunders didn't even stick around to the end of the event. Having said that, it was a fun and fast course, but given the venue and number of entries it wasn't the day to use it. Thanks for trying to reason with them OzCop.

    It was another great Street Tire battle. Congrats to Team Urine for the 4th place finish. The pesky MR2 took third, onething finished second and I got my first 1st!

    Congrats as well to Kestrel for spanking the boys in CS, Majik winning CSP and I think Darron65 won Novice! Nice to finally meet Srivendel too.

    EDIT - Darron65 took 2nd in Novice, but did Trophy!
    Last edited by sammm; 07-18-2005 at 07:52 AM.

  12. #32
    Shallow and Pedantic Majik's Avatar
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    Good Ole Fort Worth


    I also noticed the reruns working the trailer in heat three. What would happen is that since the overlap was so long, the next car would be sent as soon as possible. When they would get to the slalom at the end, the first car would hit a cone. The corner workers not being to excited the get hit by a car wouldnt run out there. Down cone rerun. Oh well, SCCA has done a great job all year, one slip up isnt bad.

  13. #33

  14. #34


    Holy crap, I actually took 3rd in Novice with those sucky times. Still doesn't make them any less sucky. A good time, though, and I did acheive my main goal for the day: to learn how to control my car at speed.

    I enjoyed seeing you guys again, and meeting some new people. We'll have to do pancakes soon.


  15. #35


    Sammm basically said it all. The course was fast and fun -- faster than anything I've ever driven at Pennington Field -- but it was the wrong course for this event. Oz and his gang (Mr. Fehn, Mr. Stankus, Mr. Adams among others) did a fantastic job running the event. Nobody hates getting only 3 runs more than I do, but it was the right decision to make given the number of entrants and the forced spacing between cars. We've had some exceptional events with the SCCA this year, including getting 4 runs on the TMS Road Course and getting 5 -- count 'um 5 -- runs on the TMS bus lot. It was just time to pay the piper I guess.

    I wasn't terribly impressed with the corner working this time. Sure, there was the problem with folks not being able to get to the cones in the slalom in time (because of the car spacing), but there were many, many instances of down cones that the workers didn't see. Those annoy me more than any other, because those re-runs can be avoided. On the other hand, corner 5 was kept hopping all day long, and in that heat, that must not have been any fun.

    Fortunately for us, the weather held off (it threatened rain a couple of times during the day), and believe it or not, we were lucky regarding the FSAE boyz. They only had one "incident" that I remember, and it didn't involve kitty litter (it's always a very bad thing when you see 'um bringing out the kitty litter ). But I have to admit, this is an event I'll probably skip next year.

    One thing I've noticed: by altiain's absence, he's taken himself out of any trophy considerations this year at SCCA. Guess he's concentrating on ER and NTS2KOC events!
    "That which does not kill us, just makes us madder"
    Cletus Nietzsche (Friedrich's half-brother on his sister's side)

  16. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Kestrel
    Guess he's concentrating on ER and NTS2KOC events!

    He wouldn't be the only one!

    Not that I care to rehash the debate, but I just can't see spending all day for three runs...

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by srivendel
    ...and I did acheive my main goal for the day: to learn how to control my car at speed.
    WOW! If you've learned to control your car at speed during one event of three runs, you're a faster learner than I am! Ya gotta make at least another couple of events, just to show us what that MSM is capable of...

    It was good to meet you srivendel -- don't be a stranger on the AX circuit!
    "That which does not kill us, just makes us madder"
    Cletus Nietzsche (Friedrich's half-brother on his sister's side)

  18. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Treibenschnell
    He wouldn't be the only one!

    Not that I care to rehash the debate, but I just can't see spending all day for three runs...
    Hey, that's not fair -- they've averaged 4 runs all season this year.
    "That which does not kill us, just makes us madder"
    Cletus Nietzsche (Friedrich's half-brother on his sister's side)

  19. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Kestrel
    Hey, that's not fair -- they've averaged 4 runs all season this year.
    Perhaps... but still having 160+ participants... ugh... (ugh, for me, that is...)

  20. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Treibenschnell
    Perhaps... but still having 160+ participants... ugh... (ugh, for me, that is...)
    Ugh for me as well...
    "That which does not kill us, just makes us madder"
    Cletus Nietzsche (Friedrich's half-brother on his sister's side)

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