I know this is completely non-miata, but anyone who has been to the shop knows about my passion for stand-up jet skis.

They are like a motorcycle on water. Basically no consequences for failed stunt attempts.

They attract girls like MAD. Seriously. I've let some really hot chicks try out our skis.

Original style (called square nose) Superjets for sale on a double trailer.

white one:
stock hull with some graphics
650cc 6M6 engine with stock 44mm carb
Hot Products/Taucetti flame arrester and adapter
Primer for easier starts
PSI billet head with interchangeable domes 160-165psi compression
Coffman exhaust system
Aftermarket waterbox (sounds great, not too loud either)
62T CDI (higher rev limit)
Skat Trak impeller
flush kit

purple one:
650cc 6M6 with stock head
135 psi compression on both cylinders
stock 44mm carb with Riva filter adapter (Prox filter is on it's way)
Coffman exhaust system
Pro-Tec ride plate
Skat Trak impeller
AC aluminum handle pole
aftermarket pole spring
Hydro-Turf in tray
bilge pump
flush kit

The white ski is slightly faster/more powerful but the purple ski feels a little more stable. Both have more than enough power to get airborne. Overall a great pair of squarenoses.

Both run great and are 100% mechanically ready for the water. I rode both last Sunday. The registrations are out, but I have clear Texas titles. The trailer is tagged as a home-made. I have covers for both skis too.

The trailer is set up for two stand-ups. It has some old-school stickers on it like Butch's. It's got a long tongue so it's pretty easy to back up. There is room on the front for a storage box to be installed. The whole setup weighs about 850lbs so it could easily be towed by just about anything. I know guys that tow with Civics, so a Miata should be able to handle a short distance tow. The tongue weight is balanced well so it's easy to move around the driveway, house or garage by hand.

I bought these as damaged non-runners with no trailer for $1200. I cleaned/rebuilt the carbs, replaced a broken handle pole with an aluminum one, replaced the batteries, rewired the purple one with OEM connectors, and replaced the CDI on the white one. The trailer is one I picked up a couple years ago for $400.


A couple more pics:

These are absolutely awesome beginner to moderate skill skis. I wish I started on stuff this good, haha. I'd love it if I could bring another MR2 nut into my crazy water world.
