Simply put, that was the best run, smoothest SCCA event I've been to since I started Autocrossing in 2002. And as OzCop pointed out, it wasn't because the SCCA team didn't face... challenges. But they pulled together, worked it all out, and put on a great event.

The course was simple but fun -- a good way to start out the season, particularly for Novices. The computer and timing equipment worked fine, registration was painless (they even knew I pre-paid the season, something I had to fight all year last year), grid was orderly, we started [basically] on time, finished the last runs by 3:00p, got 4 runs, dogs and cats lived together in harmony... well, you get the point.

122 entrants made this a pretty large turnout for a first event of the season, particularly considering the cool temperatures and threat of rain (which never materialized). How would things have gone with 200 entrants? I'm guessing the "space challenge" would have been a lot more trouble, but I also have the feeling that OzCop and crew would have found a way to make it all good. Add to the smooth event the fact that results are already up and I'm telling you, this is a different SCCA to last year!