Quote Originally Posted by Davidss View Post
Finally got around to uploading a few of our vids.

Nationals was definitely an absolutely surreal experience for us this year. We did far better than we had ever realistically hoped as a team. And personally I had always figured it would take me another 5-10 years to improve enough as a driver to ever win a championship (or never at all). I am very grateful to have had such great mentors and I want than everyone who has given up support, encouragement, and wisdom over the past years.

A massive congrats to SharonE are in order. The Eberline's have really worked hard the past few years and improved soo much. Getting to see Sharon taking home a trophy really was one of the best moments of the whole event for Kim and I. In addition Steve put down an absolutely scorching run on the west course. His run was fast enough that he would have been fourth in class if nationals was only the west course!

Here is the video from my class winning run:
Thanks for the ride!!