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Thread: Low-carb Cheetos

  1. #1
    Obnoxious at any speed altiain's Avatar
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    Default Low-carb Cheetos

    So my wife is on this low-carb kick (along with, apparently, everyone else in the Western hemisphere ). We're in the grocery store the other day, and we notice that there are now low-carb Cheetos. We both like Cheetos, so we buy a bag to see what they're like.

    We ate two - my wife ate one and I ate one, and we tossed the rest of the bag in the trash. I spat half of the one I ate into the sink it was so nasty. They were disgusting. They were so gross I would have felt bad giving them to the dogs.

    Some things were not meant to be low-carb, like processed cheese snacks and good beer (anything with "Light" in it's name is not good beer).

    "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw

  2. #2


    It's the company that I work for, and I always like to try our new product. So I bought a 99¢ of our Doritos Edge... the low carb Doritos that we are now offering to the Atkins crazed universe . I put one in my mouth. The flavor is fine. I bite down. It has a nice crunch. Then I try to swallow. It's as if someone just filled my mouth with tiny flakes of soggy cardboard.

    Well, undaunted -- and knowing that my company wouldn't put out something that was so horrible -- I tried another. And another. And another. Yuck. Yuck. And yuck!

    Don't blame my company for trying. Everyone is talking about how obese US citizens are, and companies that provide the food that everyone wants (fast food, snack food, fizzy drinks) are bracing for the lawsuits that fat people will bring claiming that we "made them eat excessive amounts of our product" and it's our fault they are fat. There is no personal responsibility in America anymore. Anyway, whether the product is good or not -- or whether anyone actually buys it or not -- we must be seen as being responsive to the current climate/whims/dietary fad. And if you eat 14 bags of our product each day, I'm sure eating our reduced carb snacks will actually help you. But altiain is absolutely right... I'll have my salty snacks with full fat and full carbs please!

  3. #3
    Team Cheap Bastard
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kestrel
    I tried another. And another. And another. Yuck. Yuck. And yuck!
    Patient: "Doctor, it hurts when I do this"
    Doctor: "Then don't do that!"


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