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Thread: People suck.

  1. #1
    Obnoxious at any speed altiain's Avatar
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    Default People suck.

    Yesterday, my $150 calculator was stolen in broad daylight while I was studying in the library at UTA.

    I got up from the study carrel I was at literally for two minutes to walk 20 yards to get a drink of water, and came back to find the calculator that I'd left on top of an open folder MIA. Nothing else was taken, and thankfully I had my wallet and my sunglasses on my person, or I'm sure they'd be gone, too.

    Of course no one sitting near where I was saw anything.

    I just hope that whomever the thief is, he/she gets theirs. God knows if I'd have found them yesterday, I'd have beaten them within an inch of their life. It just really pisses me off that some f***monkey wandered off with my stuff - having to buy another one is bad enough, but now I've lost 3 years worth of stored data that I had built up in that calculator.

    Opportunistic bastards. I hope they fall down an elevator shaft or get hit by a truck.


    "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw

  2. #2


    Ouch. If you find him, give me a call. I'll bring a tazer.

    In the meantime, if you want to borrow an antique 48GX...

  3. #3


    Man that does suck.....

    But I still believe people in general are good, but no one pays any attention to them because they aren't stealing other people’s stuff....

  4. #4


    That sucks. I feel your Pain Iain. I had a TI-83 in HS that I programmed every physics formula into that got stolen.....

    91 Miata (#3), Rattle Can Grey(previous owner), Greddy Turbo @7 PSI and Manifold (Only items remaining from the kit), TDR I/C, Godspeed Radiator, RM DP, 2.5 Enthuza Bipes, BEGI AFPR, ACT, Lightened Stock Flywheel, Yellow Konis, FCM on Stock Springs, HDM2S, MOMO Wheel, Ratsback Front CF Lip, Black Rota's on EcstaXS, Corrado Rotors & XP8's on Front w/ 1.8 rears.

    Wishlist: Megasquirt to run 12-13 PSI, White non-spray paint job, 8" 6UL's, RX7 LSD, Evans Waterless Coolant

  5. #5
    Obnoxious at any speed altiain's Avatar
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    Far south Dallas (Austin)


    Quote Originally Posted by tailchaser
    In the meantime, if you want to borrow an antique 48GX...
    Thanks, but I picked up another TI-89 on the way home from school yesterday. I then proceeded to carve my initials into it in four different places and cover it in "Kumho Tires" stickers. Maybe that will make it a little less attractive to thieves (I'm assuming my bag and/or jacket weren't stolen because they'd be a lot easier to identify).

    Now if I could just figure out a way to wire a small explosive device into the "On" button I'd be happy...

    In the last year I've had this calculator stolen, and a radar detector stolen out of my glovebox at an S2k event. My new radar detector is bolted into the car, and I won't be letting the new calculator out of my sight unless it's safe in my office at home.

    I just really want to catch one of these opportunistic scumbags in the act one time... that's all I'm asking for. I won't even call the cops - but I will let them have a little home-brewed justice.


    "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw

  6. #6
    Team Cheap Bastard
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    That sucks Iain. My wife wonders why one of my motto's is - I hate people. (She's beginning to get onboard though.) They'll get theirs is the only upside to what happened to you.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by POS Racing
    ...I still believe people in general are good...
    I wish I could say the same. I think people in general try to get away with whatever they think they can, no matter what the consequences are to anyone else. But I'm a cynic and a miserable git.

    Sorry you ran into one of the general public that [unfortunately] supports my depressing view of our fellow human beings altiain...

  8. #8


    Sometimes I hate people. You can borrow my cell phone if you want cuz it's got a built in calculator. I use it to check my mileage at the gas pump. But you gotta know, there's a lot of good people around too. I can't wait until GPS devices get small and cheap enough so you could stick them in your valuables and track them down when stolen, and hand out a little justice now and then... People will quit stealing because they won't be so sure they'll be getting away with it.

    I love reading news stories about thieves or drug dealers or whoever getting caught, and hate hearing about loser thieves getting away with stuff. I watched Cops once where they set up a tractor trailer with cops hiding inside the trailer behind a bunch of stereo equipment, and made it look like the truck was broken down and the driver had to go get help. The thieving street punks immediately came out like cockroaches to rip it off, and got busted. That was some satisfying tv watching.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by bigDstars
    ... People will quit stealing because they won't be so sure they'll be getting away with it ...

    I watched Cops once where they set up a tractor trailer with cops hiding inside the trailer behind a bunch of stereo equipment, and made it look like the truck was broken down and the driver had to go get help. The thieving street punks immediately came out like cockroaches to rip it off, and got busted.
    Yep, my point exactly... many/most people are only "good" because they aren’t sure they can get away with stuff.

    And unfortunately, those street punks all got off because their ACLU lawyer complained that the bad old police entrapped those poor, otherwise angelic upstanding young citizens.

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