For those of you who might be interested in learning a little (ok, a lot ) more about race cars, the art of designing them, and the art of setting them up, Dr. Bob Woods (mentor to the UTA Formula SAE team) will be teaching his famous Race Car Engineering class this summer at UTA. The class is scheduled for 6-7:50pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays during UTA's 11-week summer session. As a full time UTA student, I don't know what you'd need to do to be able to take the course if you weren't a student at the university, but I'm sure they've got some sort of continuing education program where you could take or audit the course without having to go through the same application process as a "regular" student.

I'll be taking it, as I'm not only interested in it, but it fulfills one of my remaining upper-level technical elective requirements.

Warning - this class is an upper level undergraduate Mechanical Engineering technical elective. In other words, you might not get much out of it without an engineering or other technical background. But if you do posess such a background, you might find it very interesting. Don't say I didn't warn you.