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Thread: That was CLOSE!

  1. #1

    Default That was CLOSE!


    I almost got plowed today...

    Stopped with my blinker on to turn left into the cul-de-sac and I hear screeching tires... I look in the mirror to see a white truck coming up fast and starting to slide a little sideways...

    I punch the gas, pop the clutch just in time to hear another set of tires screeching and a POW! The truck behind me got hit by the Jeep behind it. Luckily I cleared the wreck...

    Not much damage on the Jeep or truck, but man... that would've plowed me.

    Since they pulled into the cul-de-sac I took pics of the damage... The driver's side corner of the Jeep hit the passenger side of the truck bumper and bent the heavy steel bumper on the Jeep to a 45 degree angle.

    My neighbor had the trunk of her Grand Am put halfway up to the back seat last spring... and there have been 3 wrecks like this in the last year.

    People just don't pay attention!

    Daily Driver: 2013 Club edition in Pearl White Mica

    Lightness? What's that? I drive a PRHT!

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Glad you scampered out of there. I almost hit a parking garage pole yesterday while backing up a rented Explorer. That woulda hurt. NO recent near misses in the Miata (jinx...), although I have blasted a few people halfway into the other lane with my recently installed air horns. Why am I rambling like this? Who are you people? Where's my car...


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