We have two adult, male cats (neutered). They are brothers from the same litter, and they are almost 13 years old. One is a medium long-hair, multi-colored, and the other is a short-hair, solid grey.

They have been indoor-outdoor cats their entire lives, and have become much more mellow as they have gotten older. They spend most of their days lying on the front balcony in the sun.

Unfortunately, we are moving, and not only are we reticent to put them through a long-distance move again at their ages, but we have no good place for them at our new home. We have a rescue dog who only wants to chase and eat them. Our current house has very separate, safe, dog-free places for them to spend their time, but that is not the case at the new house. We fear dire consequences without a way to keep everyone apart. (Although, for the record, Samson does like to play with the other dog)

Anyway, we've had them since they were born, so we want to know they are in a good place where they are happy and well-cared-for.

If anyone is interested, or knows someone who might be, please let us know.