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Thread: Texas Drift Recap

  1. #1
    Suspension Modder
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    Default Texas Drift Recap

    well only 3 miatas myself included showed to the largest Texas Drift Event yet. Out of a field of 40 there were three of us left to defend ourselves againist 5 or 6 corollas, 25 240 sx's, a mustang, a 350z, and some older corollas and datsuns. An R-33 skyline made its way out from dallas drift but did not participate. The weather didn't even put a damper on the event. I was able to run on the tires I drove in on and leave with them still in excellent condition. My thanks to the other miata guys for coming out, it's nice to see other miata owners with the same drift enthusiasm. The next event will be April 16th in Mineral Wells hopefully more miatas will join in on the fun. Thanks guys!
    Drifting, where tire life is measured in minutes not miles!

  2. #2


    Sorry I missed it Maybe next time! Glad you had a safe good time!
    93' LE #1136 - FM II
    250k miles

  3. #3
    Obnoxious at any speed altiain's Avatar
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    Good to hear that Miatas had some representation out there. Did you guys get any pics?

    "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw

  4. #4
    Suspension Modder
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    I didn't, I was busy instructing but hopefully some of are other guys did. I'll try to find someone with some.
    Drifting, where tire life is measured in minutes not miles!

  5. #5
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    Wall-to-wall 240s -- I used to want one, but they now seem... common! It was so much more interesting to see things like 944s and pre-80s Corollas. The supercharged AE86 was sweet.

    There were so many video cameras out there that I would hope SOMEBODY would post some good footage, but most of the websites plastered on the entries haven't got anything. (One of 'em isn't even built yet, but I saw it on five or six cars!) I'm a little surprised Deanna hasn't been soliciting content like this for the links section of

    {And now for my diatribe...}

    Both times I've done this, I get pre-event self-doubt: is it really worth driving over an hour and a half, AND spending fitty bones, to slide around on a parking lot? Yet I never leave with any regrets.

    I simply can NOT find a better way to learn and practice this sort of thing. TD sets up a sprawling course with at least one LONG sweeper (plus a skidpad or two), and you get to run it until you're worn out. Even with the sizeable turnout, I got all the seat time I could handle. Factor that in, and suddenly the worst expense is tires -- which, on a rainy day like Saturday, hardly wear anyway. Okay, maybe I do regret having brought so many tires with me that day.

    As an instructor, Bryan was very attentive of my driving, spotting things that happened in the blink of an eye and providing succinct, constructive feedback. (Plus he's probably one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet.) This kind of personal instruction is way more productive for me than trial-and-error. All this for fifty bucks, and you don't have to "work a heat" like a typical A/X!

    I don't know if spectators can be passengers, but that would be five bucks well-spent if you can hitch a ride with Bryan. Everything happens much faster in a turbo'd Miata -- and watching the blur of control inputs, carving across the patchy tarmac and standing water, at three times my best speed, was like watching WRC footage from the navigator's seat. In other words, freakin' awesome.

  6. #6
    Suspension Modder
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    thank you very much, I appreciate that alot. any bad habits I can pass along You'll have to come out and take a ride after the cage is done. I took one of the workers from Top Koat for a ride where we allowed one of the members in his new M3 to get a up close and personal look at what drifting in Horseshoe and Big Bend is really about. There's nothing like the top of 4th gear 90mph entry with a hint of trail brake to make the rear step out, pass the apex make a skip across the hump and hope to straighten things out just before the exit cone to make life exciting. But what do I know I close my eyes on entry cause I'm just tryin' to picture the car clean and waxed just in case it's the last time I see it like that!
    Drifting, where tire life is measured in minutes not miles!

  7. #7
    Suspension Modder
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    Motorsport Ranch


    in all seriousness you guys were some of the best students I've had to work with. The reason I say that is because you all listened and tried hard to make changes. There are alot of guys out there that hear the words but are to set in their ways to try something new. Motorsport is a sport that you never stop learning in no matter what level you are, from an instructor stand point I've had students on track that turn in and adjust in a manner that I've found is more proffecient than the way I was previously doing it, so knowing to keep eyes and ears open we will all continue to get faster and faster. oh yeah I hate tires and only want to see them all shredded and corded thank you.
    Drifting, where tire life is measured in minutes not miles!

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