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Thread: Sacramento Hot... Like Griddle Hot

  1. #1

    Default Sacramento Hot... Like Griddle Hot

    "It's hotter than 10 pilgrims making popcorn"

    "It feels like a blow dryer in your face"

    As Paris Hilton would say: "That's hot."

    "in 1988, Sacramento did score a record with the temperature surpassing the 100-degree mark for 41 days. Tuesday's 102 was only the 11th time this year that it similarly sweltered."

    At this point, no I can't say I miss living in Sacramento.

  2. #2


    Nah... that's nothing... here's my hometown!

    And I too don't miss living there one bit!

    Edit: Added info - Article

    Quote Originally Posted by Article
    The temperature on Thursday will still far from El Paso's record high for June 30. It reached 114 degrees on June 30, 1994. And in 1994 the city had a record 62 days of 100-plus temperatures.
    I was there for that one!

  3. #3


    Wow you guys sound like a couple of old men bitchin about the weather while playing checkers.

  4. #4
    Obnoxious at any speed altiain's Avatar
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    "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw

  5. #5

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