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Thread: Chalk another one up for NASA

  1. #1

    Default Chalk another one up for NASA

    On Aug. 8, 2001 the Genesis satellite was launched into space to collect debris from deep space and return it back to the earth. The price tag was about $260 Million.

    The craft returned to earth today. When I first read about the planned recovery procedures, I just about fell out of my seat laughing.

    Apparently they were going to slow it down with parachutes and a couple of stunt pilots were going to try to snag it out of mid air in helicopters. At first I thought this to be a joke, so I went to NASA's website to find out that it was in fact true. There was even a LIVE webcast!

    I gathered some of my co-workers as it started descending, and there was a slight problem with their plan. Apparently the parachute forgot to open!

    I really looking forward to seeing the helicopters try to snag it.

  2. #2


    Apparently they had even calculated the exact location that the satellite would be snagged by the helicopters. They placed a tile on the exact spot out in the middle of the Utah desert.

  3. #3
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    Sigh... A lot of my A&M acquaintances did go to work at NASA. Some really were smart. Maybe it is the water in Houston that cause crazy ideas. But it is good to hear they are getting paid well. 260 million.

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